Thanks To
Our Community
It takes a village to create a cookbook…And this book would not have been possible without the hundreds of people who gave so generously of their time, resources and financial support. We were overwhelmed by the community’s response to our request for recipes, and while we couldn’t include them all, we were extremely grateful to everyone who took the time to submit their favourite recipes.
A huge thanks to our chapter sponsors, your commitment and support from the very beginning enabled us to take our idea forward and give it life.
To the Whangateau Folk Club, The Vivian Gallery, the Point Wells Connoisseurs Club, Omaha Surf Life Saving Club, the Ti Point kaimoana crew, the Matakana School PTA and the Matakana Green Swap. We thank you for welcoming us to your gatherings and being the stars of our chapter openers.
To Green with Envy, Mooi Mooi, Frolic Ceramics, Quail Farm Collectibles and Old School Inc, thanks for providing the wonderful platters, dishes and accessories for our photo shoots.
Thanks also to the Matakana School Board of Trustees for your ongoing encouragement and support, and to Kent Bowyer-Sidwell at Benefitz, whose guidance and advice around the printing has been invaluable.
Finally, to our friends in the wider community, thanks for helping to make Matakana a place that is special to us all, we hope you enjoy the product of our collective labour for many years to come.